Canoe and kayaks

Tourist fibreglass canoe VYDRAFibreglass canoe PicoloPlastic canoe VYDRA MAKU
Tourist fibreglass canoe VYDRAFibreglass canoe PicoloPlastic canoe VYDRA MAKU
  Discount 15 %578,54 € 

656,25 €


491,67 €


858,33 €


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Two-seat travel canoe with easy manoeuvrability and rotatory and stable.Two-seat travel canoe with easy manoeuvrability and rotatory and stable.Kanoe, která vydrží nejvíc.
Plastic canoe TYDRAPlastová kanoe Samba 4.5Kanoe Samba 5.2
Plastic canoe TYDRAPlastová kanoe Samba 4.5Kanoe Samba 5.2
 Discount 15 %954,17 € Discount 10 %1 116,67 € Discount 10 %1 204,17 €

810,83 €


1 005,00 €


1 083,75 €


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Plastic canoe TYDRANEW GENERATION CANOE Clasic and modern, stable but maneuvrable and fast, comfortable, unbreakable, solid and even unsinkableSamba is a boat having all the features which should have a good canoe. Very easy to operate and smooth reactions to individual strokes. The boat is stable and comparing to the other models forgives riders mistakes.