Inflatable boats GUMOTEX

Why to choose just the GUMOTEX band?

  • Tradition. The company GUMOTEX has been making boats since more than 60 years!
  • Experience. We have our own research and development performed by our professional team!
  • Quality. The QM system of the company GUMOTEX, a. s. complies with the requirements of the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 standard!
  • Safety. One of the most important features of our products is the high safety factor!
  • Lifetime. We take care of high quality level and long-term lifetime of materials!
  • Testing. The boats are tested even under extreme conditions!
  • Innovation. The company GUMOTEX is the trend-setter on the inflatable boats market!
  • Satisfaction by tens of thousands of customers all over the world!

Which advantages has got an inflatable boat?

  • Foldable. The boat can be accommodated in a small backpack easily!
  • Low weight. You can carry the boats of the Hevealon material with one hand!
  • Easy transport. You do not need any trailer or roof rack either!
  • Safety. The inflatable boat does not sink even when you capsize by accident!
  • Comfort. Enjoy the comfort during a ride with inflatable boats!
X-board - inflatable glider
Nafukovací kanoe Kolibri KM-330 CP
Kajak PackLite
X-board - inflatable gliderNafukovací kanoe Kolibri KM-330 CPKajak PackLite
 Discount 15 %166,25 €  Discount 15 %325,63 €

141,25 €


869,79 €


276,67 €


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X-board - inflatable glider, sledge, the pulley and hydrospeedNafukovaci kanoe KOLIBRI 330 je lehký nafukovací člun s pevným zadním čelem.The PackLite kayak is an extremely compact and lightweight recreational inflatable kayak, with 3 inflation chambers for optimum safety.
Nafukovací člun Gauja - XL P
Kajak Swing 2
Gumotex inflatable canoe Baraka
Nafukovací člun Gauja - XL PKajak Swing 2Gumotex inflatable canoe Baraka
 Discount 30 %1 245,00 € Discount 15 %832,29 € Discount 15 %1 733,33 €

871,67 €


707,50 €


1 473,33 €


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Model Gauja XL P je vhodný jako malý člun pro rybáře a současně se dá využít k rodinné rekreaci, ke krátkým vyjížďkám s vesly nebo pádly.Uzavřený kajak Swing 2 nový model je vhodný k rekreačním vyjížďkám a aktivnímu trávení volného času na chráněných vodách, jako jsou mírně proudící řeky, jezera a mořské zátoky.Inflatable boat suitable for water tourism, expeditions, white water, and as a small engine powered family boat.
Kajak Solar - 2 sedačkyGumotex Ontario 450 SGumotex raft Colorado 450 - new
Kajak Solar - 2 sedačkyGumotex Ontario 450 SGumotex raft Colorado 450 - new
 Discount 15 %1 197,92 € Discount 10 %1 885,42 € Discount 10 %1 875,00 €

1 018,33 €


1 696,67 €


1 687,50 €


in stockfree shipping in Czech republicin stockfree shipping in Czech republicin stockfree shipping in Czech republic
Nafukovací kajak SOLAR - 2 sedačkyje určen pro vyjížďky po jezerech nebo pro turistické putování po řekách do WW2.Nafukovací šestimístný člun Ontario je vhodný pro vícedenní putování po řece s celou rodinou nebo přáteli a plnou bagáží.Versatile boat for family holiday river travelling, or for sportive downstream rides of difficulty level up to WW IV.ebo pro sportovní sjezdy řek do stupně obtížnosti WW IV.
Seawave cockpit II – without reinforcementsNafukovací kanoe Orinoco použitá
Seawave cockpit II – without reinforcementsNafukovací kanoe Orinoco použitá

122,92 €


291,67 €


in stockin stock
If you have in your equipment already cockpit I for Seawave in the set with reinforcements, you can buy in addition the cockpit double separately for an advantageous price and use the reinforcements from the one-seat cockpit. For the use of spray skirtsNutno vidět. Víceúčelový nafukovací člun ORINOCO je vhodný pro vodní turistiku, expedice, divokou vodu, ale i jako rodinný člun.